Stressed, Exhaustion, Burnout.
Rebalancing - The Body Mind Rebalancing Program is a sustainable prevention and recovery programm to alleviate and resolve symptoms of stress, exhaustion and burnout and to support in crisis-alike situations such as re-orientation or re-alignment.
It is designed for acute concerned as well as for those people who like to preventative do something for their health and well-being in order to actively work against exhaustion and burnout.
The Body Mind Rebalancing concept includes soothing and unblocking body therapy treatments - through the integration of the method Rebalancing. These are accompanied by helpful mindfulness, breath and meditation exercises and much more. The exercises are matching to the relevant Rebalancing session treatments and trained frequently in a group.
You will recover in your familiar living environment and daily structure, so that you can integrate exercises from the BMR programm right into your everyday life.
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How do I balance my body?
Goals for the Body - What am
I aiming for?
In order to balance the body, mind and soul, we need to focus on the body and what it needs to have a positive influence on our state of being. Goals for the body are:
· Remove toxins from your body and your environment
· Promote free flowing energy throughout your body
· Follow your body's natural rhythms
Purifying the Body - How do I balance the body?
Universal Law of the Body:
Return your body to its natural state.
The body has an important purpose in the body, mind and soul equation. The body was created as a vehicle for the soul to achieve growth and enlightenment in the physical world. Every-body's purpose is different, therefore each body is designed to fulfil a specific purpose. We have different genetic traits, environmental influences and physical inclinations that together make our bodies and our physical experiences unique. If our bodies are not functioning properly, it is a sign that there is disharmony in our body, mind and soul.
The way in which you treat your body can have a profound impact on your body, mind and soul balance. The body has its own natural rhythms that are designed to uphold its state of balance. This includes the natural cycles of sleep, diet and exercise.
On this page you will find some general guidelines to promote body balance. Listen to your body to find out its unique requirements as every body has its differences. And remember to seek professional advice before applying any major lifestyle changes.
Diet & Nutrition - How
can I feed my body, mind and soul with food?
It might surprise you to know that there is no universally applicable diet that every person should follow. Each body has its own constitution and its finely attuned state of functioning. However, there are some general principles that are designed to energise and purify the body of toxins that we ingest daily in food substances and liquids. Not only do we ingest toxins in disguise, it is also very common to be addicted to certain chemically addictive foods without realising. All these factors contribute to our overall body chemistry which is either acidic or alkaline. To improve your body's chemistry, try to follow these principles:
Diet Principles
· The Golden Rule when it comes to diet is to ensure that you are feeling good within yourself when you eat. If you eat when you are angry or upset, your food will not digest as well and can turn acidic. Positive energy helps you to break down food, absorb the necessary nutrients and keep it moving through the body.
· Try to eat as much live food as possible. Fruit and vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals when they are raw than when they are cooked.
· Eat less processed foods. A processed food is subjected to several stages of production in order to be considered 'consumable' by humans (this may be a necessity to remove toxins or simply to make it taste better). Many foods considered to be healthy are readily available in supermarkets but they are actually highly processed and not digested well by the body.
· Try to eat small portions regularly - every 2-3 hours if possible - to maintain your metabolism. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juice is a great snack and gentle on the body.
· Conduct a detox regime of some sort on a regular basis (every 1-3 months is optimal) to allow your body to rest and reset and eliminate toxins from your system.
· Drink plenty of water daily to cleanse and hydrate your system.
· Eat organic food - including meat, fruit and vegetables - to reduce your intake of pesticides and chemicals.
· Limit the amount of meat you eat as it is heavily taxing on the digestive system.
· Try not to drink any fluids with meals as it dilutes digestive enzymes in the stomach which inhibits the digestive process.
· Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. The amount of saliva digested when eating greatly assists your stomach in the digestion of food. It also assists in portion control as you become aware of when your stomach is full sooner than if you eat quickly.
· Always check the nutritional information before you buy food. Try to avoid foods with artificial ingredients.
Sleep - How can I balance my
body, mind and soul with sleep?
Sleep is critical in balancing our body, mind and soul on a daily basis. Overnight, the body's cells are renewed, the body's digestive system is at rest and the brain becomes only partially active which is why we feel so refreshed after a good night's sleep. Sleep deprivation is the cause of many physical and mental problems including poor concentration, digestive problems, depression and accelerated aging! Keep these guidelines in mind next time you sleep on it:
Sleep Principles
· As a general rule, you should aim for 7 hours sleep a night. If you know you require less, make sure you get your minimum sleeping hours so that you are fully functioning during waking hours.
· Have a routine for sleeping hours and try to stick to it.
· Make your bed and your bedroom enticing to go to sleep in. Make sure it is quiet, dark and warm.
· Do some form of relaxation before going to sleep. Yoga, stretching, meditation, reading or sex can help orient the body and mind for sleep.
· Don't do any computer work directly before going to sleep. The brightness of computer monitors stimulates the brain.
· Avoid large meals just before bed. Try to keep your dinner portions to a minimum and eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep.
Exercise - How can I balance
my body, mind and soul through exercise?
Physical activity is essential in maintaining a balanced body and mind. It increases metabolisms, generates endorphins (neurological chemicals that make us feel happy), and helps us to gain a more balanced perspective by bringing us out of our minds and into our bodies. The body is like a vehicle that needs to be maintained and well-oiled - it will only maintain itself to a certain extent! Try these tips for exercising your body:
Exercise Principles
· Aim for 10,000 steps every day (roughly 7km) through incidental or scheduled walking.
· Vary the type of exercise so you exercise different muscle groups and the mind does not get bored.
· Choose exercise activities that you enjoy.
· Try to exercise outside where possible. The sun and fresh air, especially in a relaxing, natural environment, are energising and will strengthen the body-mind connection.
· Choose low impact activities. Strenuous exercise where your body feels strained is not necessary unless you are training for high-level fitness.
· Try integrating physical activity that strengthens the body-mind connection into your exercise regime such as yoga or tai chi. Such activities can have a profound impact on your overall state of being as they work on the body-mind as a single entity.
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How do I balance my mind?
Goals for the Mind - What am
I aiming for?
In order to balance the body, mind and soul, we need to focus on the mind and what it needs to have a positive influence on our state of being. Goals for the mind are:
· To develop your level of self-awareness of your personality
· To focus your mind on subjects that benefit you
· To learn to quieten the mind at will
Purifying the Mind - How do
I balance my mind?
Universal Law of the Mind:
Use the mind as a filter for the body and soul.
The mind is an integral part of the body, mind and soul system. Messages are sent from the body and the soul and received and interpreted by the mind. Therefore, the mind is the filtering mechanism between the body and the soul. As we progress and release the illusions we live by, our mind becomes a clearer and more finely tuned filter, which brings us closer to becoming who we really are.
And so becomes the challenge of our life experience: to master the mind. This is precisely why it is a life-long process. It is both our challenge and our purpose to use the mind to find balance in our body, mind and soul. You can learn to refine your filter and make your mind work for you (rather than against you!) in each waking moment by increasing your self-awareness and learning when to listen...
The Quiet
Mind - What is a quiet mind?
If the mind is the filtering mechanism between the body and soul, then the filter will only filter properly if it is pure and free of debris. A proper filter will allow only what is needed to enter the space. Many thoughts we have are unproductive, based on illusion, habitual, scattered and unnecessary. When the mind is quiet, it is able to detect the subtle communication of the body, mind and soul. This is why we aim to quieten the mind.
Meditation is the long-established practise of calming the mind and focusing in the present moment. Its aim is to help us to find our inner silence, peace and relaxation through focusing our thoughts. With practise, meditation helps to bring the body, mind and soul into alignment and allows us to live in flow with ourselves and with life.
A common misperception of meditation is that it aims to clear the mind of thought altogether. This is actually impossible as the mind must focus on something. So the substance of meditation is really focused thought.
For more information on meditation including tips and techniques and the different types of meditation, go to
Journal writing is another good way to clear the mind of unwanted thoughts. When we write our thoughts down on paper, they lose some power over us because they have been expressed. If you wish to truly let those thoughts go, you can symbolically burn your notes, even ceremoniously if you wish.
Self-Awareness - How often
do you catch yourself being you?
Self-awareness can be described as self-surveillance of your personality, its traits, tendencies and tactics. It is the concept of emotional intelligence as it allows us to respond rather than react to life. Here's how to use self-awareness to help balance your body, mind and soul...
The purpose of self-awareness is twofold: we need to know both our weaknesses and our strengths. Why? Because we can't change what we don't know. Once we know what we're really like, good and bad, we can use our strengths to our advantage and use our weaknesses to our advantage.
So how do I use my weaknesses to my advantage?
A major benefit of self-awareness is the ability to catch yourself out when you
are doing something that is not in your best interests. It's so you can realise
when you are getting yourself into trouble and do something about it.
Awareness is the first step to changing your life.
How do I become more self-aware?
Your willingness to understand yourself can go a long way. And there are many ways in which you can discover what makes you tick such as:
· Learning about psychology in general and applying it to yourself.
· Finding out more about your personality type by doing different personality tests.
· Asking yourself poignant questions about your past, present and future.
· Exposing yourself to challenging situations that are out of your comfort zone.
· Sustaining meaningful, close relationships where both parties are honest with each other and dedicated to discovering themselves through each other.
Personality profiling is a great way to increase your self-awareness. You can do a personality test, do a self-evaluation questionnaire or even have your face read, whatever opens your eyes to your true self. Your personality profile will tell you all sorts of things in detail about your personality including:
· Your strengths and weaknesses;
· What is most important and drives you in life;
· Triggers and signs of bad behaviour;
· How you tend to relate to others;
· How other people tend to perceive you;
· And more.
If you choose a well-researched personality test, you can't help but learn something about yourself when you do a personality profile. It's a great start to opening your eyes to the hidden aspects of your personality. The more awareness we have of ourselves, the better equipped we are to balance our body, mind and soul.
For an introduction to the science of personality profiling, go to
the Mind - What are you attracting into your life?
The Law of Attraction says 'that which is likened unto itself is drawn'. In other words, it means that what we focus our time, thoughts and energy on we will receive in life, in one form or another.
The law of attraction is more than just 'positive thinking'. It causes us to become conscious of the state of our body, mind and soul in each moment.
Each step you take in life can be conscious or unconscious. If you are unconscious, anything can happen and you will end up wondering 'how did I get here?'
The law of attraction brings our attention to the power of our state of being and how it can influence the course of our lives. When we become conscious of our thoughts, we become conscious creators.
Affirmations are based on the law of attraction. They are designed to focus our attention on what we want, not what we don't have. They are a true expression of what we already have within us that takes us in the direction we wish to go. Affirmations are only one example of the tools based on the law of attraction. There are many more.
To remind yourself of the law of attraction in your daily life, go to to receive free daily excerpts on the law of attraction.Courtesy of
How do I balance my soul?
Goals for the Soul - What am
I aiming for?
In order to balance the body, mind and soul, we need to focus on the soul and what it needs to have a positive influence on our state of being. Goals for the soul are:
· Develop your soul wisdom
· Live your life with love not fear
· Give service to humanity - "Pay it forward"
Purifying the Soul - How do I strengthen my soul connection?
Universal Law for the Soul:
Do what you truly love
There is no scientific definition or explanation for the soul. We can only say that it has been known for the following:
· Saving us from impending danger through intuition
· Healing illness through 'divine intervention'
· Storing good and bad karma from all lifetimes
· Giving us soul wisdom, making certain people appear more evolved or enlightened
· Guiding us through life experiences that serve to teach us in some way
In Soul Mind Body Medicine, Dr Zing Gang Sha describes the characteristics
of the soul and the role it plays in balancing the body, mind and soul:
· The soul is an independent entity inside your body.
· The soul has its own will, thoughts, and preferences.
· The soul has emotions and feelings.
· The soul has creativity.
· The soul has flexibility.
· The soul can communicate.
· The soul possesses incredible wisdom.
· The soul can heal.
Whether we have experienced these aspects of the soul or not, there are several 'soulful concepts' that can enrich our lives and accelerate our healing. This is what we call 'food for the soul'...
Love versus Fear - Where are
you coming from?
Living with love is the key to harmonising the body, mind and soul.
Love and its opposite of fear underpin our whole lives, every aspect of life and the meaning of life itself. Without getting philosophical, it's important that you understand how it influences your body, mind and soul. The love versus fear concept is the perfect tool to guide your own healing.
Use your awareness of love and fear to guide your own behaviour. In any given situation you can ask 'am I acting now out of love or fear?' The more frequently you reorient your actions with love, the closer you will walk to the path to healing you body, mind and soul, not just your health but all aspects of your life. And the most important time to remember this is when we are being hard on ourselves. And here comes the second cliché... be kind to yourself, love yourself, and you will give the same gift to others!
Remember...Love melts all pain. Forgiveness brings peace.
Forgiveness - Do you know
how to forgive?
To forgive is the ultimate gift of humanity. It is also one of the most misunderstood concepts amongst us.
What is the definition of forgiveness?
Forgiveness is about liberation. It liberates our psyche and our soul from the pain of attachment, and it liberates the psyche and soul of others who may have been consciously or unconsciously involved in our pain. It is unconditional: it requires no response from another so it can be done in isolation.
You will know when you have forgiven someone unconditionally because you cannot mistake the feeling of liberation, freedom and non-attachment. In order to heal, we must learn to forgive. Peace cannot exist in the absence of true forgiveness. It is key to healing your life.
Ask yourself, who in your life do you need to forgive?
Wisdom - Where does your
wisdom come from?
Wisdom is the product of knowledge and experience. You cannot have wisdom without experience or without knowledge. Which is why we become older and wiser. However...
How wise we become with age is a matter of choice. If we choose to live consciously - consciously learn from our mistakes and choose to do better as a result - we develop wisdom at a greater rate than if we are unconsciously floating through life according to 'the school of hard knocks'.
Soul wisdom refers to our existing wisdom that the soul has registered from other life situations. We can access our soul's wisdom at any time. Our soul wisdom comes to us in the form of intuition. Intuition is a subtle form of communication from our souls telling us what serves us. That is, our soul knows and tells us what is in our best interests. Living consciously and developing your intuition will put you in touch with your soul wisdom.
How conscious are you? Do you consciously learn your life lessons?
Universal Service - Are you
sharing your wisdom?
Soulful people know and live the concept of universal service. They know how to "pay it forward". They know that we are connected with all of life and that the act of one influences the whole. They use their body, mind and soul to give back to society, they allow all their life experience and wisdom flow through them in service to others, with the intention that they will in turn benefit as they form part of the whole.
What is universal service?
Universal service is based on the idea that we are all here to help each other progress through life. It refers to Karma, where each action has an equal and opposite reaction. We all live by these principles whether we realise it or not. Universal service is about giving without expecting to receive anything in return. Giving of ourselves without conditions is the goal.
To live in universal service means living consciously with a purpose to positively influence all humankind and our environment. As you become aware that your actions impact the world around you, you will find that your life will become enriched in unexpected ways. It is the universe's way of saying thank you.
How can you be of service to humanity?
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