Oxygen Theraphy
"You sit in a steam cabinet (sauna) and Ozone (O3) and steam is introduced. Ozone enters the skin and eliminates toxins, viruses, bacteria, germs and builds your immune system."
"Oxygen is Life!!!!"
What is Ozone (O3)?
When the Oxygen (O2) molecules gets split into two Oxygen atoms by either Ultra violet rays from the sun or an electrical current, nature lets three Oxygen atoms form a new molecule called OZONE (O3). OZONE is 3000 times a more potent oxident than Oxygen. Ozone is supercharged Oxygen! Ozone retains the three Oxygen atoms for only 45 minutes, when the atoms split up and form Oxygen again.
What is the purpose of OZONE (O3) on earth?
God surrounded earth with an OZONE layer to protect humans and living organisms from harmful ultra violet rays from the sun. Ozone kills ALL harmful Viruses, Bacteria, Germs, etc. to keep us healthy.
Why do we get ill and some injuries never heal?
Your body, consisting of 75 trillion cells needing sufficient Oxygen and nutrition to have healthy cells, cell reproduction and an effective immune system. By breathing polluted air we starve our cells of Oxygen. Insufficient white blood cells are formed. Our body cannot fight harmful viruses, bacteria etc. and we get ill! Wounds take along time to heal or don't heal at all as cell reproduction cannot take place properly. The lack of oxygen causes insufficient oxidation of food. Fat, cholesterol and harmful substances clog our arteries, causing Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Blood Clots and Overweight. Animal based diets cause cholesterol which is the major cause of most illnesses.
What can Ozone (O3) do for you?
Ozone is the only Cost Effective and VERY SAFE method of enriching our bodies with Oxygen. To give us healthy cells, proper fast cell reproduction and a proper immune system to fight off harmful viruses, bacteric etc. Ozone / Oxygen Therapy will Detoxify the body, Heal and keep it Healthy.
Do You Suffer From:
Asthma, Arthritis, Allergies, Back problems, Burn wounds, Cholesterol, Cancer of any kind, Colds or Flu, Diabetics type 1,2, Depression, Exhaustion, Low energy, Gout, Infections, Low Immune System, Muscle spasms, Migraine, Neorological problems, Overweight, Sport injuries, Stress, Skin problems, Ulcers / Heartburn, Angina, Blood Pressure, Broken bones / torn muscels, Constipation, Cellulite, Chronic pain, Diarrhea, Emphysema, Eczema, Gangrene, Kidney failure, Lupus, Multiple dystrophy, Open wounds, Paraplegic, Sleeping disorders, Stroke, Sinusitis, Various Veins,
READ MORE..... http://oxygen4cells.com/html/warburg.html