What is Aromatheraphy?
(Registered Profession Complementary to healthcare Environment in South Africa)
Aromatheraphy is the art and science of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants to improve and maintain the health and well-being of body, mind and spirit.
Aromatherapy is a complementary, holistic therapy. When we say 'complementary', we mean that it complements other forms of therapy and medicine, and can be used in conjunction with them. Aromatheraphy is called holistic because it looks at the whole person and can address problems in any area of the body, mind or spirit.
How Does Aromatheraphy Work?
Our skin is semipermeable; that is, it allows certain substances to penetrate into the body and keeps others out. For instance, your bones don't get soggy in the bath; water cannot penetrate through the skin, but does penetrate the upper layers which is why you get 'granny fingers'. More and more medicines are being administered via the skin; these include drugimpregnated patches for hormone replacement theraphy, patches for treating angina, and patches for reducing nicotine dependency.
When inhaling essential oils, the molecules go into the nose and mouth, down the respiratory tract and into the lungs.
Hence they are dissolved in the mucus, lining the lungs, and again pass into the blood stream and are carried to the organs.
So aromatheraphy works in that the essential oils penetrate the skin and mucous membranes and are carried round the body to the organs, and also have and effect on the brain.